CDA Court #1162 San Luis Obispo A typical monthly meeting starts with praying the rosary. Followed by meeting with discussion, education and fellowship. Introduction of guest speaker and ending with sharing a simple potluck lunch. We help/support by donating to: Restorative Partners Tree of Life Seminarians Prado Center Salvation Army Scholarships Activities/Projects: First Friday of every month we are responsible for Adoration at Old Mission San Luis Obispo in the Chapel. Periodically help serve donuts & coffee after the 9:00am Sunday mass at Old Mission San Luis Obispo. Assist at polling places Attend CDA Memorial Mass Examples of some past speakers: Rev. Father Josh Clifton Debbie Allen Father Mike Bezruchka. Deacon Chuck Roeder Deacon Juan Galido Jim Brabeck Cami Statler, Executive Director, Pregnancy and Parenting Support Bonnie Alvarado, Director Tree of Life Abortion Recovery Center Rev. Father Martin Cain Mrs. Tess Barket Principal Old Mission School Rev. Father Josh Clifton Rev. Father Raphael Reniva Rev. Father Russel Brown Sister Theresa Harpin, CSJ Rev. Father David Allen Rev. Father Gabriel Okafor Loren Leidinger CAPSLO Rev. Gerry Robinson SJ SLO Newman Catholic Center Mona Taylor Bereavement, Old Mission SLO Rev. Father Daniel Manger Monastery of the Risen Christ Upcoming Events: First Friday Adoration |
"to be helping hands where there is pain, poverty, sorrow or sickness."